• PalmOS Cybot

    Control a Cybot from your PalmOS based device and SmallBASIC using the servo controller below

    Palm Cybot

    What you need

    • A Palm, or anything that has a serial port, your dusty HP48 is also perfect for this task,
    • A Cybot with the motor controller board (only first 4 issues of the Eaglemoss …
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  • PalmWac

    PalmWac is PalmOS software which will turn your PDA into a Wacom compatible tablet, suitable to be used under XFree, Win9x/XP or other O.S.

    PalmWac Sourceforge Project Page: For Binaries, source, CVS repository and much more.

    Below, you'll find basic setup instructions for XFree, Win9x, gpm.

    Instructions, How …

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