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Category: Top:/ PalmOS Software/System/Treo   [ Add a Link ]
  • ac_fix.pl - Perl script that allows one to parse and update built-in AutoCorrect words list on Treo phones. GPLv3. (2009-10-07, Hits: 2256)
  • KeyCaps600 - Allows you to easily capitalize letters or use punctuation without using the shift or option keys on a Treo 600. GPL (v 0.9.1b1) (2003-03-06, Hits: 3267)
  • keyshades - Control the keyboard lighting on a Treo 650. BSD like license. (v1.3b1) (2009-04-20, Hits: 1426)
  • kill touchscreen - Disable the touchscreen on a Treo 650. BSD like license. (v1.2) (2009-04-20, Hits: 1273)
  • PhoneOn - This app powers on the phone on your Treo after a reset. It probably works for a VisorPhone too, but I leave you to find that out. GPL (v 1.2) (2003-03-26, Hits: 2213)
  • PowerDict - Ever noticed how Treo680 auto-fixes some texts you type? Like how "acn" magically becomes "can" and "hvae" becomes "have". This app allows you to change the correction list. For PalmOS 5.4/Treo680. GPLv3 (v 1.0) (2009-04-30, Hits: 1533)
  • Radio Control - Allows the user to set an on and off time for the TREO radio. Allows the user to have the radio come on or turn off at specific times, a great way to save batteries if you're not expecting calls for a certain period each day. GPL (v 1.1-650) (2008-01-27, Hits: 2918)
  • RingerFix - Tired of T-Jingle on your GPRS upgraded Treo ? This simple program will let you automatically change the default ringtone after soft-reset. GPL (v 0.2) (2003-03-06, Hits: 1769)
  • SerialBridge - SerialBridge bridges data across two serial ports across a Palm device. It's mainly aimed at bridging the Wireless Modem and a USB/Serial port on a Treo. GPL (v 0.4.1) (2003-03-26, Hits: 2586)
  • StayOnlineHack - Prevents the Treo from going offline. If you need to close the lid, or don't hit the power button fast enough to turn on the backlight while online, it will still stay powered on and online with this hack. By Alan Penner. GPL (v 0.4) (2003-03-06, Hits: 1651)
  • Treo Ringtone Installer - This app will install MP3 ringtones from card to Treo 680 without loss of quality. GPL v3 (v ?) (2009-04-30, Hits: 1483)
  • TreoHandsFree - Lets you dial preset numbers using the headset button. You configure up to 4 numbers and then press the headset button the corresponding number of times. GPL (v 0.0.1) (2003-09-12, Hits: 2030)
  • TreoHelper - Control phone and network operations of the Treo 180/270/300. Assign on/off times for the phone, conditions for when to drop the network connection and/or turn off the phone. GPL (v 0.70) (2003-06-06, Hits: 2582)
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