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  • pResistor - A resistor calculator for Palm OS. It easy, just drag and put the color in the band for calculate the value of resistor. (2012-09-12, Hits: 6718)
  • ThumboardDA - thumbbordDA is a spin-off from the Thumbboard of the tejpWriter project. ?User configurable key layout. ?39 macros of max 45 characters each. ?Enhanced mode. ?Ergonomic key click on key down. (2012-09-12, Hits: 8010)
  • ScummVM - Play your favorite LucasArts games on your webOS device: Monkey Island, Indiana Jones, Day Of The Tentacle, Sam and Max, etc. GPL (v 1.0.5) (2010-03-08, Hits: 9553)
  • Minimap - A WebOS GPS map application which uses tile graphics from the OpenStreetMap project and the rendering engine of the OpenLayers project. MIT License (v 1.0.4) (2009-11-24, Hits: 10196)
  • pReader - eBook Reader for WebOS that is currently supporting plain-text, PalmDOC and eReader. GPL (v 0.7.7) (2009-11-24, Hits: 10216)
  • Palm MPC - A Palm OS client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). GPL (v 0.9.3) (2009-11-04, Hits: 8750)
  • BlockChalk - BlockChalk is the voice of your neighborhood. You can use it to talk to anyone, about anything. It*s like a virtual graffiti wall, a community bulletin board, and a poster-covered lightpost, all rolled into one. WebOS .MIT licence. (v 1.0.3) (2009-10-29, Hits: 6162)
  • Preopoly - Play a monopoly-like game on your webOS device. GPLv3 (v 0.0.5) (2009-10-09, Hits: 6140)
  • ac_fix.pl - Perl script that allows one to parse and update built-in AutoCorrect words list on Treo phones. GPLv3. (2009-10-07, Hits: 2266)
  • Drugview - Drugview is a simple search page with options to choose from several free online formularies. The advantage of Drugview is that it will allow one to quickly perform multiple searches from various formularies for the same drug. GPL (v 0.2.4) (2009-10-07, Hits: 6136)
  • MediPDA - MediPDA for WebOS is a medical calculator for commonly used scores and formulae in medicine. Includes 25 modules, like 6 CIT Cognitive function test, A-a gradient, Abbreviated Mental Test. GPL (v 0.3.1) (2009-10-07, Hits: 6158)
  • Ampache - A WebOS application for streaming music from the Ampache Music Server. Using this application with the Ampache Music Server you can stream all of YOUR music over your internet connection anywhere you take your mobile phone. GPL (v0.0.4) (2009-09-21, Hits: 2860)
  • My Notification - WebOS app for changing the sounds for notifications, calendar alerts and your ringtone. MIT License (v 0.2.0) (2009-09-04, Hits: 2384)
  • ipkg feed for WebOS - An ipkg source feed for your Pre, which contains open source software for WebOS. (2009-07-28, Hits: 3483)
  • Othello / Reversi - Othello / Reversi game against the computer for WebOS. BSD like license (v 4) (2009-07-22, Hits: 2599)
  • Pre Chess - A pure javascript chess engine with computer opponent. WEBOS. MIT license (v 0.04) (2009-07-22, Hits: 6147)
  • Blackjack - Blackjack game for WebOS. The object of the game is to get the closest to 21. If you get higher than the dealer without going over, you win! Public domain. (v 0.2.21) (2009-07-17, Hits: 2808)
  • Pretris - A Tetris clone for WebOS. BSD license, based on Js Tetris (v 2.0) (2009-07-17, Hits: 3028)
  • Sudoku solver - A simple 3x3 sudoku solver for WebOS. GPL (v 0.1) (2009-07-08, Hits: 2400)
  • Translator - The Translator is an application for the Palm Pre device which translates words and sentences from over 30 languages, based on the Google translation service. WEBOS. BSD license (v 1.1) (2009-07-07, Hits: 2435)
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