- Pippy - Python, the great Object Oriented interpreted language, popular in the Unix world, is now available for PalmOS.(v0.7) (2001-02-28, Hits: 4085)
- pp : palm pascal compiler - PP is an onboard palm pascal compiler (it can produce armlet, shared library, DA, multi segments ... !).
It comes with Piaf (onboard source code editor with colorization) and Bird (onboard resource editor like rsrcedit)
(v 2.11j) (2006-03-21, Hits: 3575)
- RapidPalmGUI - A few .c and .h files for rapidly building simple inferfaces using OnboardC. (v 1.1) (2007-01-01, Hits: 3271)
- ResetEmu - Sends
every installed application a certain launch code to test
whether it crashes. If it does, running ResetEmu again
will tell you the name of the application that behaved
incorrectly. GPL (v 1.2) (2002-11-06, Hits: 2678)
- SDL for PalmOS - Port of the SDL library for PalmOS with ARM processor and OS 5.x. Joystick, audio, video, timer, files and keyboard supported and additional libs available. GPL, BSD. (v Beta3) (2007-12-29, Hits: 3908)
- SmallBasic - GPLed Basic for the palm with support for grayscaled and color graphics and sound.(v 0.8.2 ) (2001-02-02, Hits: 4334)
- Superwaba - JAVA Virtual Machine, SDK and powerful multiplatform classes. Fully extensible. One of the fastest VM (fast enough to make Hi-Res color action games). GPL and LGPL (v 5.85) (2001-03-09, Hits: 6234)
- WabaVM - A programming platform for small devices. Because of the way Waba was designed, developers can use Java development tools to develop Waba programs. GPL (v1.0b) (2005-12-14, Hits: 3920)