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  • Ampache - A WebOS application for streaming music from the Ampache Music Server. Using this application with the Ampache Music Server you can stream all of YOUR music over your internet connection anywhere you take your mobile phone. GPL (v0.0.4) (2009-09-21, Hits: 2861)
  • Better Recorder - Good quality and simple sound recording without compression. GPL (v 10) (2007-09-09, Hits: 4916)
  • ChordPro - ChordPro reader program. ChordPro is a standard format for guitar players on the net to share lyrics and chords of songs. GPL (v 0.4) (2003-02-07, Hits: 5942)
  • Ear Trainer - This program allows musicians and people interested in music to practice being able to hear melodic intervals by ear.(v 1.001) (2001-03-29, Hits: 6002)
  • eNeRgy - A small but functional MP3 player for Sony Clie handhelds with MP3 feature. By Tim Toner. GPL (v 0.0.1) (2003-03-21, Hits: 6401)
  • Eringson - It can be used to fetch, edit, install and play back melodies on certain Ericsson mobile phones. Melodies can be edited using standard music notation, and can be easily copied to the memo pad.(v 0.5.0) (2001-05-11, Hits: 4510)
  • Flash Nome - A simple metronome for the Palm.(v 1.2) (2002-03-27, Hits: 5348)
  • FretBoard - A reference tool for the player of the guitar, bass, mandolin, banjo, bouzouki, dulcimer, chapman Stick or violin. It displays notes, 25 different chords and 16 scales, each in every key. GPL (v 1.2.1) (2000-07-14, Hits: 6529)
  • Metronomi - A small (less than 4 kb) metronome application. GPL (v 1.0.1) (2003-04-17, Hits: 5525)
  • NDPMP - Notre Dame Palm Music Player: a music player, editor and composer. Comes with 3 Notre Dame songs builtin.GPL(v 0.1) (2001-03-30, Hits: 6534)
  • Palm MPC - A Palm OS client for the Music Player Daemon (MPD). GPL (v 0.9.3) (2009-11-04, Hits: 8756)
  • Palm Tuner - A simple guitar/mandolin/violin tuner program that features a relatively accurate metronome. GPL. (v 0.2) (2003-10-19, Hits: 7002)
  • POggPl - POggPl plays Ogg Vorbis audio files on PalmOS5 devices. GPL (v 0.12) (2004-12-04, Hits: 6654)
  • pQuencer - A small sound sequencer for Palm OS. You can edit patterns and arrange them to songs.GPL (v 0.1.0) (2002-05-23, Hits: 6260)
  • PsyTexx II - An Amiga MOD/FastTracker2 XM player and tracker for PalmOS. Includes a powerfull music editor with the possibility to record your own sounds from the microphone. GPL (v 2 alpha 0.2) (2004-08-10, Hits: 6072)
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